Our annual, four-step process for justice:

  1. Listen

We set aside 2-3 months a year to strengthen relationships within our member congregations, to intentionally discuss community problems and a vision for a just county, and to strengthen a formal Justice Network among people of faith. Through this process, common areas of concern emerge and leaders then vote to determine a few major priorities to focus on for the immediate future.

2. Research

We spend 5-6 months researching to understand the problem and identify viable solutions that will resolve pieces of the problem long-term.

3. Act

In the spring, we will organize thousands of supporters to gather, hear testimonies as to how these issues affect people’s lives, and negotiate solutions with appropriate authorities.

4. Follow Up

After commitments are made at the Nehemiah Assembly, PEACE leaders follow up with public officials until there is a favorable resolution to the problem.

The organization will have some flexibility to commit long-term to certain improvements or monitoring as needed, but this basic process is repeated every year.